Dancing in the arms of God

Galatians 5 tells us that the flesh wars with the Spirit, but we who are in Christ, are called to be in step with the Spirit, and when we are, we reflect His character, and I think that is like dancing in the arms of God. Being in step requires letting God lead, being neither ahead, nor behind, but with, and trusting Him to orchestrate my life into a beautiful dance, with music and joy, even in the tough times.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Ballet Magnificat

Pictured is an 'angel' dancing during a performance of "the Prodigal's Journey," a contemporary telling of Luke 15 set to Ballet and music. (Newton, KS 2/26/06) I do not think there was a dry eye in the house by the time the story was told in its entirety.

Ballet Magnificat is a Christian Ballet Company. When the dancers are not on stage, they are in the wings in prayer. Their dance is a worship experience.

I have a friend whose daughter dances in "Angel Feet", a local faith-based dance company for young girls. They danced the opening number. It was precious. Earlier in the weekend, they had the privelege of doing workshops with the Ballet Magnificat members. More than dance techniques, it was about mirroring God in your life, and letting your dance reflect your faith. Is that cool or what?!

Check out their web site. If they are performing near you, it is worth going.
  • Ballet Magnificat

  • My dreams will be filled with sweet dancing tonight!


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    • At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      i am desperately hoping God will allow me to be on the Eternal Dance Team in heaven!

    • At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Hey have you ever seen the Dance For Joy Studio in Rochester NY - It is the Amanda Rose Dance For Joy Studio actually they have dancers that attend Ballet Magnificat such beuaty for sure


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