About those Ceiling Tiles
We have much for which to be very thankful – our cups run over!
Got me to thinking about the funnier side of life today.
Simple joys are like the first time your child says “MaMa”
Music to my ears!
“I Love you Mom”
More music!
Then there’s “Mom! He’s bugging me!”
“Mom! She started it!”
“Mom, can I have money for…[fill in the blank]”
I think my current favorite, is when my 14 year old son says “Mother…(silence)…I think I need to tell you something…”
I immediately know to assume my best poker face, take a deep breath, and try not to react, because I know it is going to be good, and by good, I mean not good, but probably funny, well, at least tomorrow it will be funny, maybe.
I was at Lowe’s recently looking at ceiling tiles. Did you know there are a variety of tile types for the ceiling? I am now aware of that fact. Seems that some teen boys were feeling “tall” and one of them can touch the basement ceiling with his head quite easily, so everyone had to try it. One boy jumped and missed, but not to be daunted, jumped harder, expecting the tile to move, only to his horror, it is not a suspended ceiling, and the tile broke in two! I’m telling you, it was mighty quiet when I walked towards the room, and my son quickly jumped in front of me “Mother…I think I need to tell you something…”
No joke. I looked at the ceiling and then the boys with the best poker face I’ve got. They told me what happened. I don’t know what they expected me to do, but I turned around, went into the next room, closed the door, and laughed so hard I had tears! (I'm a single mom, so they were waiting to see what I was going to do - can't say "wait till your father gets home") I had them so nervous what was going to happen next – and that my friends, is one of the simple pleasures in life!
For the record: No minors were harmed in the breaking of, or aftermath of, said event.
Needless to say, I have moved all jumping to the trampoline outside!
What will they think of next? Stay tuned.
At 6:49 PM,
Raul Mosley said…
You are devious!!! You would probably enjoy police interrogation as a line of work. This is almost as bad as a friend of mine from high school whose dad told him and his 2 brothers that they each would "get licks" when they got home from school. When they got home, the father pulled out a paddle, lined them up against the kitchen wall, then proceded to give each one of them a "lick" on the ear with his tongue.
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